Source code for mu.modes.circuitpython

A mode for working with Circuit Python boards.

Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nicholas H.Tollervey and others (see the AUTHORS file).

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os
import ctypes
import logging
from subprocess import check_output
from mu.modes.base import MicroPythonMode
from mu.modes.api import ADAFRUIT_APIS, SHARED_APIS
from mu.interface.panes import CHARTS
from mu.logic import Device
from adafruit_board_toolkit import circuitpython_serial

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CircuitPythonMode(MicroPythonMode): """ Represents the functionality required by the CircuitPython mode. """ name = _("CircuitPython") short_name = "circuitpython" description = _("Write code for boards running CircuitPython.") icon = "circuitpython" save_timeout = 0 #: No auto-save on CP boards. Will restart. connected = True #: is the board connected. force_interrupt = False #: NO keyboard interrupt on serial connection. # Modules built into CircuitPython which mustn't be used as file names # for source code. module_names = { "_bleio", "_eve", "_pew", "_pixelbuf", "_stage", "_typing", "adafruit_bus_device", "aesio", "alarm", "array", "analogio", "audiobusio", "audiocore", "audioio", "audiomixer", "audiomp3", "audiopwmio", "binascii", "bitbangio", "bitmaptools", "bitops", "board", "builtins", "busio", "camera", "canio", "collections", "countio", "digitalio", "displayio", "dualbank", "errno", "fontio", "framebufferio", "frequencyio", "gamepad", "gamepadshift", "gc", "gnss", "hashlib", "i2cperipheral", "io", "ipaddress", "json", "math", "memorymonitor", "microcontroller", "msgpack", "multiterminal", "neopixel_write", "network", "nvm", "os", "ps2io", "pulseio", "pwmio", "random", "re", "rgbmatrix", "rotaryio", "rtc", "sdcardio", "sdioio", "sharpdisplay", "socket", "socketpool", "ssl", "storage", "struct", "supervisor", "sys", "terminalio", "time", "touchio", "uheap", "usb_cdc", "usb_hid", "usb_midi", "ustack", "vectorio", "watchdog", "wifi", "wiznet", "zlib", }
[docs] def actions(self): """ Return an ordered list of actions provided by this module. An action is a name (also used to identify the icon) , description, and handler. """ buttons = [ { "name": "serial", "display_name": _("Serial"), "description": _("Open a serial connection to your device."), "handler": self.toggle_repl, "shortcut": "CTRL+Shift+U", } ] if CHARTS: buttons.append( { "name": "plotter", "display_name": _("Plotter"), "description": _("Plot incoming REPL data."), "handler": self.toggle_plotter, "shortcut": "CTRL+Shift+P", } ) return buttons
[docs] def workspace_dir(self): """ Return the default location on the filesystem for opening and closing files. """ device_dir = None # Attempts to find the path on the filesystem that represents the # plugged in CIRCUITPY board. if == "posix": # We're on Linux or OSX for mount_command in ["mount", "/sbin/mount"]: try: mount_output = check_output(mount_command).splitlines() mounted_volumes = [x.split()[2] for x in mount_output] for volume in mounted_volumes: tail = os.path.split(volume)[-1] if tail.startswith(b"CIRCUITPY") or tail.startswith( b"PYBFLASH" ): device_dir = volume.decode("utf-8") break except FileNotFoundError: pass except PermissionError as e: logger.error( "Received '{}' running command: {}".format( repr(e), mount_command ) ) m = _("Permission error running mount command") info = _( 'The mount command ("{}") returned an error: ' "{}. Mu will continue as if a device isn't " "plugged in." ).format(mount_command, repr(e)) self.view.show_message(m, info) # Avoid crashing Mu, the workspace dir will be set to default except Exception as e: logger.error( "Received '{}' running command: {}".format( repr(e), mount_command ) ) if os.path.exists("/mnt/chromeos"): # We're on ChromeOS if os.path.exists("/mnt/chromeos/removable/CIRCUITPY/"): device_dir = "/mnt/chromeos/removable/CIRCUITPY/" else: m = _( "If your Circuit Python device is plugged in," + ' you need to "Share with Linux" on the CIRCUITPY drive' + ' in the "Files" app then restart Mu.' ) self.view.show_message(m) elif == "nt": # We're on Windows. def get_volume_name(disk_name): """ Each disk or external device connected to windows has an attribute called "volume name". This function returns the volume name for the given disk/device. Code from """ vol_name_buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetVolumeInformationW( ctypes.c_wchar_p(disk_name), vol_name_buf, ctypes.sizeof(vol_name_buf), None, None, None, None, 0, ) return vol_name_buf.value # # In certain circumstances, volumes are allocated to USB # storage devices which cause a Windows popup to raise if their # volume contains no media. Wrapping the check in SetErrorMode # with SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS (1) prevents this popup. # old_mode = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(1) try: for disk in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": path = "{}:\\".format(disk) if ( os.path.exists(path) and get_volume_name(path) == "CIRCUITPY" ): return path finally: ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(old_mode) else: # No support for unknown operating systems. raise NotImplementedError('OS "{}" not supported.'.format( if device_dir: # Found it! self.connected = True return device_dir else: # Not plugged in? Just return Mu's regular workspace directory # after warning the user. wd = super().workspace_dir() if self.connected: m = _("Could not find an attached CircuitPython device.") info = _( "Python files for CircuitPython devices" " are stored on the device. Therefore, to edit" " these files you need to have the device plugged in." " Until you plug in a device, Mu will use the" " directory found here:\n\n" " {}\n\ store your code." ) self.view.show_message(m, info.format(wd)) self.connected = False return wd
[docs] def compatible_board(self, port): """Use adafruit_board_toolkit to find out whether a board is running CircuitPython. The toolkit sees if the CDC Interface name is appropriate. """ pid = port.productIdentifier() vid = port.vendorIdentifier() manufacturer = port.manufacturer() serial_number = port.serialNumber() port_name = self.port_path(port.portName()) # Find all the CircuitPython REPL comports, # and see if any of their device names match the one passed in. for comport in circuitpython_serial.repl_comports(): if comport.device == port_name: return Device( vid, pid, port_name, serial_number, manufacturer,, self.short_name, "CircuitPython board", ) # No match. return None
[docs] def api(self): """ Return a list of API specifications to be used by auto-suggest and call tips. """ return SHARED_APIS + ADAFRUIT_APIS