Source code for mu.interface.editor

UI related capabilities for the text editor widget embedded in each tab in Mu.

Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nicholas H.Tollervey and others (see the AUTHORS file).

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import keyword
import os
import re
import logging
import os.path
from collections import defaultdict
from PyQt5.Qsci import (
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from mu.interface.themes import Font, DayTheme
from mu.logic import NEWLINE

# Regular Expression for valid individual code 'words'
RE_VALID_WORD = re.compile(r"^\w+$")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PythonLexer(QsciLexerPython): """ A Python specific "lexer" that's used to identify keywords of the Python language so the editor can do syntax highlighting. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setHighlightSubidentifiers(False)
[docs] def keywords(self, flag): """ Returns a list of Python keywords. """ if flag == 1: kws = keyword.kwlist + ["self", "cls"] elif flag == 2: kws = __builtins__.keys() else: return None return " ".join(kws)
[docs]class CssLexer(QsciLexerCSS): """ Fixes problems with comments in CSS. """
[docs] def description(self, style): """ Ensures "Comment" is returned when the lexer encounters a comment (this is due to a bug in the base class, for which this is a work around). """ if style == QsciLexerCSS.Comment: return "Comment" return super().description(style)
[docs]class EditorPane(QsciScintilla): """ Represents the text editor. """ # Signal fired when a script or hex is droped on this editor. open_file = pyqtSignal(str) # Signal fired when a context menu is requested. context_menu = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, path, text, newline=NEWLINE): super().__init__() self.setUtf8(True) self.path = path self.setText(text) self.newline = newline self.check_indicators = { # IDs are arbitrary "error": {"id": 19, "markers": {}}, "style": {"id": 20, "markers": {}}, } self.search_indicators = {"selection": {"id": 21, "positions": []}} self.DEBUG_INDICATOR = 22 # Arbitrary self.BREAKPOINT_MARKER = 23 # Arbitrary self.previous_selection = { "line_start": 0, "col_start": 0, "line_end": 0, "col_end": 0, } if self.path: if self.path.endswith(".css"): self.lexer = CssLexer() elif self.path.endswith(".html") or self.path.endswith(".htm"): self.lexer = QsciLexerHTML() self.lexer.setDjangoTemplates(True) else: self.lexer = PythonLexer() else: self.lexer = PythonLexer() self.api = None self.has_annotations = False self.setModified(False) self.breakpoint_handles = set() self.configure()
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """ A context menu (right click) has been actioned. """ self.context_menu.emit()
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event): """ Stops QScintilla from doing the wrong sort of zoom handling. """ if not QApplication.keyboardModifiers(): super().wheelEvent(event)
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """ Run by Qt when *something* is dropped on this editor """ # Does the drag event have any urls? # Files are transfered as a url (by path not value) if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): # Qt doesn't seem to have an 'open' action, # this seems the most appropriate event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) # Valid links links = [] # Iterate over each of the urls attached to the event for url in event.mimeData().urls(): # Check the url is to a local file # (not a webpage for example) if url.isLocalFile(): # Grab a 'real' path from the url path = url.toLocalFile() # Add it to the list of valid links links.append(path) # Did we get any? if len(links) > 0: # Only accept now we actually know we can do # something with the drop event event.accept() for link in links: # Start bubbling an open file request self.open_file.emit(link) # If the event wasn't handled let QsciScintilla have a go if not event.isAccepted(): super().dropEvent(event)
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set up the editor component. """ # Font information font = Font().load() self.setFont(font) # Generic editor settings self.setUtf8(True) self.setAutoIndent(True) self.setIndentationsUseTabs(False) self.setIndentationWidth(4) self.setIndentationGuides(True) self.setBackspaceUnindents(True) self.setTabWidth(4) self.setEdgeColumn(79) self.setMarginLineNumbers(0, True) self.setMarginWidth(0, 50) self.setBraceMatching(QsciScintilla.SloppyBraceMatch) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETHSCROLLBAR, 0) self.set_theme() # Markers and indicators self.setMarginSensitivity(0, True) self.markerDefine(self.Circle, self.BREAKPOINT_MARKER) self.setMarginSensitivity(1, True) # Additional dummy margin to prevent accidental breakpoint toggles when # trying to position the edit cursor to the left of the first column, # using the mouse and not being 100% accurate. This margin needs to be # set with "sensitivity on": otherwise clicking it would select the # whole text line, per QsciScintilla's behaviour. It is up to the # click handler to ignore clicks on this margin: self.connect_margin. self.setMarginWidth(4, 8) self.setMarginSensitivity(4, True) # Indicators self.setIndicatorDrawUnder(True) for type_ in self.check_indicators: self.indicatorDefine( self.SquiggleIndicator, self.check_indicators[type_]["id"] ) for type_ in self.search_indicators: self.indicatorDefine( self.StraightBoxIndicator, self.search_indicators[type_]["id"] ) self.indicatorDefine(self.FullBoxIndicator, self.DEBUG_INDICATOR) self.setAnnotationDisplay(self.AnnotationBoxed) self.selectionChanged.connect(self.selection_change_listener) self.set_zoom()
[docs] def connect_margin(self, func): """ Connect clicking the margin to the passed in handler function, via a filtering handler that ignores clicks on margin 4. """ # Margin 4 motivation in self.configure comments. def func_ignoring_margin_4(margin, line, modifiers): if margin != 4: func(margin, line, modifiers) self.marginClicked.connect(func_ignoring_margin_4)
[docs] def set_theme(self, theme=DayTheme): """ Connect the theme to a lexer and return the lexer for the editor to apply to the script text. """ theme.apply_to(self.lexer) self.lexer.setDefaultPaper(theme.Paper) self.setCaretForegroundColor(theme.Caret) self.setIndicatorForegroundColor( theme.IndicatorError, self.check_indicators["error"]["id"] ) self.setIndicatorForegroundColor( theme.IndicatorStyle, self.check_indicators["style"]["id"] ) self.setIndicatorForegroundColor( theme.DebugStyle, self.DEBUG_INDICATOR ) for type_ in self.search_indicators: self.setIndicatorForegroundColor( theme.IndicatorWordMatch, self.search_indicators[type_]["id"] ) self.setMarkerBackgroundColor( theme.BreakpointMarker, self.BREAKPOINT_MARKER ) self.setAutoCompletionThreshold(2) self.setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla.AcsAll) self.setLexer(self.lexer) self.setMarginsBackgroundColor(theme.Margin) self.setMarginsForegroundColor(theme.Caret) self.setMatchedBraceBackgroundColor(theme.BraceBackground) self.setMatchedBraceForegroundColor(theme.BraceForeground) self.setUnmatchedBraceBackgroundColor(theme.UnmatchedBraceBackground) self.setUnmatchedBraceForegroundColor(theme.UnmatchedBraceForeground)
[docs] def set_api(self, api_definitions): """ Sets the API entries for tooltips, calltips and the like. """ self.api = QsciAPIs(self.lexer) for entry in api_definitions: self.api.add(entry) self.api.prepare()
[docs] def set_zoom(self, size="m"): """ Sets the font zoom to the specified base point size for all fonts given a t-shirt size. """ sizes = { "xs": -4, "s": -2, "m": 1, "l": 4, "xl": 8, "xxl": 16, "xxxl": 48, } self.zoomTo(sizes[size]) margins = { "xs": 30, "s": 35, "m": 45, "l": 50, "xl": 60, "xxl": 75, "xxxl": 85, } # Make the margin left of line numbers follow zoom level self.setMarginWidth(0, margins[size]) # Make margins around debugger-marker follow zoom level self.setMarginWidth(1, int(margins[size] * 0.25)) self.setMarginWidth(4, int(margins[size] * 0.1))
@property def label(self): """ The label associated with this editor widget (usually the filename of the script we're editing). """ if self.path: label = os.path.basename(self.path) else: label = _("untitled") return label @property def title(self): """ The title associated with this editor widget (usually the filename of the script we're editing). If the script has been modified since it was last saved, the label will end with an asterisk. """ if self.isModified(): return self.label + " •" return self.label
[docs] def reset_annotations(self): """ Clears all the assets (indicators, annotations and markers). """ self.clearAnnotations() self.markerDeleteAll() self.reset_search_indicators() self.reset_check_indicators()
[docs] def reset_check_indicators(self): """ Clears all the text indicators related to the check code functionality. """ for indicator in self.check_indicators: for _, markers in self.check_indicators[indicator][ "markers" ].items(): line_no = markers[0]["line_no"] # All markers on same line. self.clearIndicatorRange( line_no, 0, line_no, 999999, self.check_indicators[indicator]["id"], ) self.check_indicators[indicator]["markers"] = {}
[docs] def reset_search_indicators(self): """ Clears all the text indicators from the search functionality. """ for indicator in self.search_indicators: for position in self.search_indicators[indicator]["positions"]: self.clearIndicatorRange( position["line_start"], position["col_start"], position["line_end"], position["col_end"], self.search_indicators[indicator]["id"], ) self.search_indicators[indicator]["positions"] = []
[docs] def annotate_code(self, feedback, annotation_type="error"): """ Given a list of annotations add them to the editor pane so the user can act upon them. """ indicator = self.check_indicators[annotation_type] for line_no, messages in feedback.items(): indicator["markers"][line_no] = messages for message in messages: col = message.get("column", 0) if col: col_start = col - 1 col_end = col + 1 self.fillIndicatorRange( line_no, col_start, line_no, col_end, indicator["id"] ) if feedback: # Ensure the first line with a problem is visible. first_problem_line = sorted(feedback.keys())[0] self.ensureLineVisible(first_problem_line)
[docs] def debugger_at_line(self, line): """ Set the line to be highlighted with the DEBUG_INDICATOR. """ self.reset_debugger_highlight() # Calculate the line length & account for \r\n giving ObOE. line_length = len(self.text(line).rstrip()) self.fillIndicatorRange( line, 0, line, line_length, self.DEBUG_INDICATOR ) self.ensureLineVisible(line)
[docs] def reset_debugger_highlight(self): """ Reset all the lines so the DEBUG_INDICATOR is no longer displayed. We need to check each line since there's no way to tell what the currently highlighted line is. This approach also has the advantage of resetting the *whole* editor pane. """ for i in range(self.lines()): line_length = len(self.text(i)) self.clearIndicatorRange( i, 0, i, line_length, self.DEBUG_INDICATOR )
[docs] def show_annotations(self): """ Display all the messages to be annotated to the code. """ lines = defaultdict(list) for indicator in self.check_indicators: markers = self.check_indicators[indicator]["markers"] for k, marker_list in markers.items(): for m in marker_list: lines[m["line_no"]].append("\u2191 " + m["message"]) for line, messages in lines.items(): text = "\n".join(messages).strip() if text: self.annotate(line, text, self.annotationDisplay())
[docs] def find_next_match( self, text, from_line=-1, from_col=-1, case_sensitive=True, wrap_around=True, ): """ Finds the next text match from the current cursor, or the given position, and selects it (the automatic selection is the only available QsciScintilla behaviour). Returns True if match found, False otherwise. """ return self.findFirst( text, # Text to find, False, # Treat as regular expression case_sensitive, # Case sensitive search True, # Whole word matches only wrap_around, # Wrap search forward=True, # Forward search line=from_line, # -1 starts at current position index=from_col, # -1 starts at current position show=False, # Unfolds found text posix=False, ) # More POSIX compatible RegEx
[docs] def range_from_positions(self, start_position, end_position): """Given a start-end pair, such as are provided by a regex match, return the corresponding Scintilla line-offset pairs which are used for searches, indicators etc. NOTE: Arguments must be byte offsets into the underlying text bytes. """ start_line, start_offset = self.lineIndexFromPosition(start_position) end_line, end_offset = self.lineIndexFromPosition(end_position) return start_line, start_offset, end_line, end_offset
[docs] def highlight_selected_matches(self): """ Checks the current selection, if it is a single word it then searches and highlights all matches. Since we're interested in exactly one word: * Ignore an empty selection * Ignore anything which spans more than one line * Ignore more than one word * Ignore anything less than one word """ selected_range = line0, col0, line1, col1 = self.getSelection() # # If there's no selection, do nothing # if selected_range == (-1, -1, -1, -1): return # # Ignore anything which spans two or more lines # if line0 != line1: return # # Ignore if no text is selected or the selected text is not at most one # valid identifier-type word. # selected_text = self.selectedText() if not RE_VALID_WORD.match(selected_text): return # # Ignore anything which is not a whole word. # NB Although Scintilla defines a SCI_ISRANGEWORD message, # it's not exposed by QSciScintilla. Instead, we # ask Scintilla for the start end end position of # the word we're in and test whether our range end points match # those or not. # pos0 = self.positionFromLineIndex(line0, col0) word_start_pos = self.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION, pos0, 1 ) _, start_offset = self.lineIndexFromPosition(word_start_pos) if col0 != start_offset: return pos1 = self.positionFromLineIndex(line1, col1) word_end_pos = self.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_WORDENDPOSITION, pos1, 1 ) _, end_offset = self.lineIndexFromPosition(word_end_pos) if col1 != end_offset: return # # For each matching word within the editor text, add it to # the list of highlighted indicators and fill it according # to the current theme. # indicators = self.search_indicators["selection"] encoding = "utf8" if self.isUtf8() else "latin1" text_bytes = self.text().encode(encoding) selected_text_bytes = selected_text.encode(encoding) for match in re.finditer(selected_text_bytes, text_bytes): range = self.range_from_positions(*match.span()) # # Don't highlight the text we've selected # if range == selected_range: continue line_start, col_start, line_end, col_end = range indicators["positions"].append( { "line_start": line_start, "col_start": col_start, "line_end": line_end, "col_end": col_end, } ) self.fillIndicatorRange( line_start, col_start, line_end, col_end, indicators["id"] )
[docs] def selection_change_listener(self): """ Runs every time the text selection changes. This could get triggered multiple times while the mouse click is down, even if selection has not changed in itself. If there is a new selection is passes control to highlight_selected_matches. """ # Get the current selection, exit if it has not changed line_from, index_from, line_to, index_to = self.getSelection() if ( self.previous_selection["col_end"] != index_to or self.previous_selection["col_start"] != index_from or self.previous_selection["line_start"] != line_from or self.previous_selection["line_end"] != line_to ): self.previous_selection["line_start"] = line_from self.previous_selection["col_start"] = index_from self.previous_selection["line_end"] = line_to self.previous_selection["col_end"] = index_to # Highlight matches self.reset_search_indicators() self.highlight_selected_matches()
[docs] def toggle_line(self, raw_line): """ Given a raw_line, will return the toggled version of it. """ clean_line = raw_line.strip() if not clean_line or clean_line.startswith("##"): # Ignore whitespace-only lines and compact multi-commented lines return raw_line if clean_line.startswith("#"): # It's a comment line, so replace only the first "# " or "#": if clean_line.startswith("# "): return raw_line.replace("# ", "", 1) else: return raw_line.replace("#", "", 1) else: # It's a normal line of code. return "# " + raw_line
[docs] def toggle_comments(self): """ Iterate through the selected lines and toggle their comment/uncomment state. So, lines that are not comments become comments and vice versa. """ if self.hasSelectedText(): # Toggle currently selected text."Toggling comments") line_from, index_from, line_to, index_to = self.getSelection() selected_text = self.selectedText() lines = selected_text.split("\n") toggled_lines = [] for line in lines: toggled_lines.append(self.toggle_line(line)) new_text = "\n".join(toggled_lines) self.replaceSelectedText(new_text) # Ensure the new text is also selected. last_newline = toggled_lines[-1] last_oldline = lines[-1] # Adjust the selection based on whether the last line got # longer, shorter, or stayed the same delta = len(last_newline) - len(last_oldline) index_to += delta self.setSelection(line_from, index_from, line_to, index_to) else: # Toggle the line currently containing the cursor. line_number, column = self.getCursorPosition()"Toggling line {}".format(line_number)) # Replace CRLF line endings that we add when run on Windows line_content = self.text(line_number).replace("\r\n", "\n") new_line = self.toggle_line(line_content) self.setSelection(line_number, 0, line_number, len(line_content)) self.replaceSelectedText(new_line) self.setSelection(line_number, 0, line_number, len(new_line) - 1)