Source code for mu.interface.dialogs

UI related code for dialogs used by Mu.

Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nicholas H.Tollervey and others (see the AUTHORS file).

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os
import logging
import sys

from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, QProcess, QTimer, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor
from mu.resources import load_icon
from mu.interface.widgets import DeviceSelector
from ..virtual_environment import venv

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModeItem(QListWidgetItem): """ Represents an available mode listed for selection. """ def __init__(self, name, description, icon, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) = name self.description = description self.icon = icon text = "{}\n{}".format(name, description) self.setText(text) self.setIcon(load_icon(self.icon))
[docs]class ModeSelector(QDialog): """ Defines a UI for selecting the mode for Mu. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) def setup(self, modes, current_mode): self.setMinimumSize(600, 400) self.setWindowTitle(_("Select Mode")) widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() label = QLabel( _( 'Please select the desired mode then click "OK". ' 'Otherwise, click "Cancel".' ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) self.setLayout(widget_layout) self.mode_list = QListWidget() self.mode_list.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.select_and_accept) widget_layout.addWidget(self.mode_list) self.mode_list.setIconSize(QSize(48, 48)) for name, item in modes.items(): if not item.is_debugger: litem = ModeItem(, item.description, item.icon, self.mode_list ) if item.icon == current_mode: self.mode_list.setCurrentItem(litem) self.mode_list.sortItems() instructions = QLabel( _( "Change mode at any time by clicking " 'the "Mode" button containing Mu\'s logo.' ) ) instructions.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(instructions) button_box = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) widget_layout.addWidget(button_box)
[docs] def select_and_accept(self): """ Handler for when an item is double-clicked. """ self.accept()
[docs] def get_mode(self): """ Return details of the newly selected mode. """ if self.result() == QDialog.Accepted: return self.mode_list.currentItem().icon else: raise RuntimeError("Mode change cancelled.")
[docs]class LogWidget(QWidget): """ Used to display Mu's logs. """ def setup(self, log): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) label = QLabel( _( "When reporting a bug, copy and paste the content of " "the following log file." ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) self.log_text_area = QPlainTextEdit() self.log_text_area.setReadOnly(True) self.log_text_area.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) self.log_text_area.setPlainText(log) widget_layout.addWidget(self.log_text_area)
[docs]class EnvironmentVariablesWidget(QWidget): """ Used for editing and displaying environment variables used with Python 3 mode. """ def setup(self, envars): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) label = QLabel( _( "The environment variables shown below will be " "set each time you run a Python 3 script.\n\n" "Each separate enviroment variable should be on a " "new line and of the form:\nNAME=VALUE" ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) self.text_area = QPlainTextEdit() self.text_area.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) self.text_area.setPlainText(envars) widget_layout.addWidget(self.text_area)
[docs]class MicrobitSettingsWidget(QWidget): """ Used for configuring how to interact with the micro:bit: * Minification flag. * Override runtime version to use. """ def setup(self, minify, custom_runtime_path): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) self.minify = QCheckBox(_("Minify Python code before flashing?")) self.minify.setChecked(minify) widget_layout.addWidget(self.minify) label = QLabel( _( "Override the built-in MicroPython runtime with " "the following hex file (empty means use the " "default):" ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) self.runtime_path = QLineEdit() self.runtime_path.setText(custom_runtime_path) widget_layout.addWidget(self.runtime_path) widget_layout.addStretch()
[docs]class PackagesWidget(QWidget): """ Used for editing and displaying 3rd party packages installed via pip to be used with Python 3 mode. """ def setup(self, packages): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) self.text_area = QPlainTextEdit() self.text_area.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) label = QLabel( _( "The packages shown below will be available to " "import in Python 3 mode. Delete a package from " "the list to remove its availability.\n\n" "Each separate package name should be on a new " "line. Packages are installed from PyPI " "(see:" ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) self.text_area.setPlainText(packages) widget_layout.addWidget(self.text_area)
[docs]class PythonAnywhereWidget(QWidget): """ For configuring the user's username and API token for interacting with the PythonAnywhere API to deploy a website from web mode. """ #: Valid server hosting instances for PythonAnywhere. valid_instances = [ "www", "eu", ] def setup(self, username, token, instance="www"): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) label = QLabel( _( "The folks at " "<a href=''>PythonAnywhere</a> " "make it easy for learners and educators to host simple web " "projects for free. You'll need to sign up for an account and " "provide the following details for Mu to deploy your web " "project." ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) label.setOpenExternalLinks(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) username_label = QLabel( _("\nCopy your username on PythonAnywhere into here:") ) widget_layout.addWidget(username_label) self.username_text = QLineEdit() self.username_text.setPlaceholderText(_("username")) if username: self.username_text.setText(username) widget_layout.addWidget(self.username_text) token_label = QLabel( _( "Copy your " "<a href=''>" "secret API token from PythonAnywhere</a> into here:" ) ) token_label.setOpenExternalLinks(True) widget_layout.addWidget(token_label) self.token_text = QLineEdit() self.token_text.setPlaceholderText(_("secret api token")) if token: self.token_text.setText(token) widget_layout.addWidget(self.token_text) instance_label = QLabel( _("Server location ('www' is a safe default):") ) widget_layout.addWidget(instance_label) self.instance_combo = QComboBox() selected = 0 for pos, item in enumerate(self.valid_instances): self.instance_combo.addItem(item) if instance == item: selected = pos self.instance_combo.setCurrentIndex(selected) widget_layout.addWidget(self.instance_combo) widget_layout.addStretch()
[docs]class LocaleWidget(QWidget): """ Used for manually setting the locale (and thus the language) used by Mu. """ LANGUAGES = { _("Automatically detect"): "", "English": "en", "Deutsch": "de_DE", "Español": "es", "Français": "fr", "日本語": "ja", "Polskie": "pl", "Português (Br)": "pt_BR", "Português (Pt)": "pt_PT", "русский язык": "ru_RU", "Slovenský": "sk_SK", "Svenska": "sv", "tiếng Việt": "vi", "中文": "zh_CN", } def setup(self, locale): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) self.drop_down = QComboBox() for k, v in self.LANGUAGES.items(): self.drop_down.addItem(k, v) index = self.drop_down.findData(locale) if index > -1: self.drop_down.setCurrentIndex(index) label = QLabel( _( "Please select the language for Mu's user interface from the " "choices listed below. <strong>Restart Mu for these changes " "to take effect.</strong>" ) ) label.setWordWrap(True) widget_layout.addWidget(label) widget_layout.addWidget(self.drop_down) widget_layout.addStretch()
[docs] def get_locale(self): """ Return the user-selected language code. """ return self.LANGUAGES.get(self.drop_down.currentText(), "")
[docs]class ESPFirmwareFlasherWidget(QWidget): """ Used for configuring how to interact with the ESP: * Override MicroPython. """ def setup(self, mode, device_list): widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) # Instructions grp_instructions = QGroupBox( _("How to flash MicroPython to your device") ) grp_instructions_vbox = QVBoxLayout() grp_instructions.setLayout(grp_instructions_vbox) # Note: we have to specify the link color here, to something # that's suitable for both day/night/contrast themes, as the # link color is not configurable in the Qt Stylesheets instructions = _( "&nbsp;1. Determine the type of device (ESP8266 or ESP32)<br />" "&nbsp;2. Download firmware from the " '<a href="" ' 'style="color:#039be5;">' "</a><br/>" "&nbsp;3. Connect your device<br/>" "&nbsp;4. Load the .bin file below using the 'Browse' button<br/>" "&nbsp;5. Press 'Erase & write firmware'" # "<br /><br />Check the current MicroPython version using the " # "following commands:<br />" # ">>> import sys<br />" # ">>> sys.implementation" ) label = QLabel(instructions) label.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) label.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextBrowserInteraction) label.setOpenExternalLinks(True) label.setWordWrap(True) grp_instructions_vbox.addWidget(label) widget_layout.addWidget(grp_instructions) # Device type, firmware path, flash button device_selector_label = QLabel(_("Device:")) self.device_selector = DeviceSelector(show_label=True, icon_first=True) self.device_selector.set_device_list(device_list) device_type_label = QLabel(_("Choose device type:")) self.device_type = QComboBox(self) self.device_type.addItem("ESP8266") self.device_type.addItem("ESP32") firmware_label = QLabel(_("Firmware (.bin):")) self.txtFolder = QLineEdit() self.btnFolder = QPushButton(_("Browse")) self.btnExec = QPushButton(_("Erase && write firmware")) self.btnExec.setEnabled(False) form_set = QGridLayout() form_set.addWidget(device_selector_label, 0, 0) form_set.addWidget(self.device_selector, 0, 1, 1, 3) form_set.addWidget(device_type_label, 1, 0) form_set.addWidget(self.device_type, 1, 1) form_set.addWidget(firmware_label, 2, 0) form_set.addWidget(self.txtFolder, 2, 1) form_set.addWidget(self.btnFolder, 2, 2) form_set.addWidget(self.btnExec, 2, 3) widget_layout.addLayout(form_set) # Output area self.log_text_area = QPlainTextEdit() self.log_text_area.setReadOnly(True) form_set = QHBoxLayout() form_set.addWidget(self.log_text_area) widget_layout.addLayout(form_set) # Connect events self.txtFolder.textChanged.connect(self.firmware_path_changed) self.btnFolder.clicked.connect(self.show_folder_dialog) self.btnExec.clicked.connect(self.update_firmware) self.device_selector.device_changed.connect(self.toggle_exec_button) self.mode = mode def show_folder_dialog(self): # open dialog and set to foldername filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, _("Select MicroPython firmware (.bin)"), os.path.expanduser("."), _("Firmware (*.bin)"), ) if filename: filename = filename[0].replace("/", os.sep) self.txtFolder.setText(filename) def update_firmware(self): baudrate = 115200 if self.mode.repl: self.mode.toggle_repl(None) if self.mode.plotter: self.mode.toggle_plotter(None) if self.mode.fs is not None: self.mode.toggle_files(None) device = self.device_selector.selected_device() if device is None: return esptool = "-mmu.contrib.esptool" erase_command = '"{}" "{}" --port {} erase_flash'.format( sys.executable, esptool, device.port ) if self.device_type.currentText() == "ESP32": write_command = ( '"{}" "{}" --chip esp32 --port {} --baud {} ' 'write_flash -z 0x1000 "{}"' ).format( sys.executable, esptool, device.port, baudrate, self.txtFolder.text(), ) else: write_command = ( '"{}" "{}" --chip esp8266 --port {} --baud {} ' 'write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 "{}"' ).format( sys.executable, esptool, device.port, baudrate, self.txtFolder.text(), ) self.commands = [erase_command, write_command] self.run_esptool() def run_esptool(self): self.process = QProcess(self) self.process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.MergedChannels) self.process.readyReadStandardError.connect(self.read_process) self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.read_process) self.process.finished.connect(self.esptool_finished) self.process.error.connect(self.esptool_error) command = self.commands.pop(0) self.log_text_area.appendPlainText(command + "\n") self.process.start(command) def esptool_error(self, error_num): self.log_text_area.appendPlainText( "Error occurred: Error {}\n".format(error_num) ) self.process = None
[docs] def esptool_finished(self, exitCode, exitStatus): """ Called when the subprocess that executes ' is finished. """ # Exit if a command fails if exitCode != 0 or exitStatus == QProcess.CrashExit: self.log_text_area.appendPlainText("Error on flashing. Aborting.") return if self.commands: self.process = None self.run_esptool()
[docs] def read_process(self): """ Read data from the child process and append it to the text area. Try to keep reading until there's no more data from the process. """ msg = "" data = self.process.readAll() if data: try: msg ="utf-8") self.append_data(msg) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass QTimer.singleShot(2, self.read_process)
[docs] def append_data(self, msg): """ Add data to the end of the text area. """ cursor = self.log_text_area.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) cursor.insertText(msg) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) self.log_text_area.setTextCursor(cursor)
def firmware_path_changed(self): self.toggle_exec_button() def toggle_exec_button(self): if ( len(self.txtFolder.text()) > 0 and self.device_selector.selected_device() is not None ): self.btnExec.setEnabled(True) else: self.btnExec.setEnabled(False)
[docs]class AdminDialog(QDialog): """ Displays administrative related information and settings (logs, environment variables, third party packages etc...). """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.microbit_widget = None self.package_widget = None self.envar_widget = None self.python_anywhere_widget = None def setup(self, log, settings, packages, mode, device_list): self.setMinimumSize(600, 400) self.setWindowTitle(_("Mu Administration")) widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) self.tabs = QTabWidget() widget_layout.addWidget(self.tabs) button_box = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) widget_layout.addWidget(button_box) # Tabs self.log_widget = LogWidget(self) self.log_widget.setup(log) self.tabs.addTab(self.log_widget, _("Current Log")) if mode.short_name in ["python", "web", "pygamezero"]: self.envar_widget = EnvironmentVariablesWidget(self) self.envar_widget.setup(settings.get("envars", "")) self.tabs.addTab(self.envar_widget, _("Python3 Environment")) if mode.short_name == "microbit": self.microbit_widget = MicrobitSettingsWidget(self) self.microbit_widget.setup( settings.get("minify", False), settings.get("microbit_runtime", ""), ) self.tabs.addTab(self.microbit_widget, _("BBC micro:bit Settings")) if mode.short_name in ["python", "web", "pygamezero"]: self.package_widget = PackagesWidget(self) self.package_widget.setup(packages) self.tabs.addTab(self.package_widget, _("Third Party Packages")) if mode.short_name == "esp": self.esp_widget = ESPFirmwareFlasherWidget(self) self.esp_widget.setup(mode, device_list) self.tabs.addTab(self.esp_widget, _("ESP Firmware flasher")) if mode.short_name == "web": self.python_anywhere_widget = PythonAnywhereWidget(self) self.python_anywhere_widget.setup( settings.get("pa_username", ""), settings.get("pa_token", ""), settings.get("pa_instance", "www"), ) self.tabs.addTab( self.python_anywhere_widget, _("PythonAnywhere API") ) # Configure local. self.locale_widget = LocaleWidget(self) self.locale_widget.setup(settings.get("locale")) self.tabs.addTab( self.locale_widget, load_icon("language.svg"), _("Select Language") ) self.log_widget.log_text_area.setFocus()
[docs] def settings(self): """ Return a dictionary representation of the raw settings information generated by this dialog. Such settings will need to be processed / checked in the "logic" layer of Mu. """ settings = {} if self.envar_widget: settings["envars"] = self.envar_widget.text_area.toPlainText() if self.microbit_widget: settings["minify"] = self.microbit_widget.minify.isChecked() settings[ "microbit_runtime" ] = self.microbit_widget.runtime_path.text() if self.package_widget: settings["packages"] = self.package_widget.text_area.toPlainText() if self.python_anywhere_widget: settings[ "pa_username" ] = self.python_anywhere_widget.username_text.text().strip() settings[ "pa_token" ] = self.python_anywhere_widget.token_text.text().strip() settings[ "pa_instance" ] = ( self.python_anywhere_widget.instance_combo.currentText().strip() ) settings["locale"] = self.locale_widget.get_locale() return settings
[docs]class FindReplaceDialog(QDialog): """ Display a dialog for getting: * A term to find, * An optional value to replace the search term, * A flag to indicate if the user wishes to replace all. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) def setup(self, find=None, replace=None, replace_flag=False): self.setMinimumSize(600, 200) self.setWindowTitle(_("Find / Replace")) widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) # Find. find_label = QLabel(_("Find:")) self.find_term = QLineEdit() self.find_term.setText(find) self.find_term.selectAll() widget_layout.addWidget(find_label) widget_layout.addWidget(self.find_term) # Replace replace_label = QLabel(_("Replace (optional):")) self.replace_term = QLineEdit() self.replace_term.setText(replace) widget_layout.addWidget(replace_label) widget_layout.addWidget(self.replace_term) # Global replace. self.replace_all_flag = QCheckBox(_("Replace all?")) self.replace_all_flag.setChecked(replace_flag) widget_layout.addWidget(self.replace_all_flag) button_box = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel ) button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) button_box.rejected.connect(self.reject) widget_layout.addWidget(button_box)
[docs] def find(self): """ Return the value the user entered to find. """ return self.find_term.text()
[docs] def replace(self): """ Return the value the user entered for replace. """ return self.replace_term.text()
[docs] def replace_flag(self): """ Return the value of the global replace flag. """ return self.replace_all_flag.isChecked()
[docs]class PackageDialog(QDialog): """ Display the output of the pip commands needed to remove or install packages. Because the QProcess mechanism we're using is asynchronous, we have to manage the pip requests via `pip_queue`. When one request is signalled as finished we start the next. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.pip_queue = []
[docs] def setup(self, to_remove, to_add): """ Create the UI for the dialog. """ # Basic layout. self.setMinimumSize(600, 400) self.setWindowTitle(_("Third Party Package Status")) widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(widget_layout) # Text area for pip output. self.text_area = QPlainTextEdit() self.text_area.setReadOnly(True) self.text_area.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) widget_layout.addWidget(self.text_area) # Buttons. self.button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(False) self.button_box.accepted.connect(self.accept) widget_layout.addWidget(self.button_box) # # Set up the commands to be issues to pip. Since we'll be popping # from the list (as LIFO) we'll add the installs first so the # removes are the first to happen # if to_add: self.pip_queue.append(("install", to_add)) if to_remove: self.pip_queue.append(("remove", to_remove)) QTimer.singleShot(2, self.next_pip_command)
[docs] def next_pip_command(self): """ Run the next pip command, finishing if there is none. """ if self.pip_queue: command, packages = self.pip_queue.pop() self.run_pip(command, packages) else: self.finish()
[docs] def finish(self): """ Set the UI to a valid end state. """ self.text_area.appendPlainText("\nFINISHED") self.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(True)
[docs] def run_pip(self, command, packages): """ Run a pip command in a subprocess and pipe the output to the dialog's text area. """ if command == "remove": pip_fn = venv.remove_user_packages elif command == "install": pip_fn = venv.install_user_packages else: raise RuntimeError( "Invalid pip command: %s %s" % (command, packages) ) pip_fn( packages, slots=venv.Slots( output=self.text_area.appendPlainText, finished=self.next_pip_command, ), )