Source code for

Mu - a "micro" Python editor for beginner programmers.

Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nicholas H.Tollervey and others (see the AUTHORS file).

Based upon work done for Puppy IDE by Dan Pope, Nicholas Tollervey and Damien

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import logging
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
import os
import time
import platform
import traceback
import sys
import urllib
import webbrowser
import base64

from PyQt5.QtCore import (
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QSplashScreen

from . import i18n
from .virtual_environment import venv, logger as vlogger
from . import __version__
from .logic import Editor, LOG_FILE, LOG_DIR, ENCODING
from .interface import Window
from .resources import load_icon, load_movie, load_pixmap
from .modes import (
from .interface.themes import NIGHT_STYLE, DAY_STYLE, CONTRAST_STYLE
from . import settings

[docs]class AnimatedSplash(QSplashScreen): """ An animated splash screen for gifs. Includes a text area for logging output. """ def __init__(self, animation, parent=None): """ Ensure signals are connected and start the animation. """ self.log_lines = 4 # To hold only number of log_lines of logs to display. self.log = [] self.animation = animation self.animation.frameChanged.connect(self.set_frame) # Always on top. super().__init__(self.animation.currentPixmap()) # Disable clicks. self.setEnabled(False) self.animation.start()
[docs] def set_frame(self): """ Update the splash screen with the next frame of the animation. """ pixmap = self.animation.currentPixmap() self.setPixmap(pixmap) self.setMask(pixmap.mask())
[docs] def draw_log(self, text): """ Draw the log entries onto the splash screen. Will only display the last self.log_lines number of log entries. The logs will be displayed at the bottom of the splash screen, justified left. """ self.log.append(text) self.log = self.log[-self.log_lines :] if self.log: self.draw_text("\n".join(self.log))
[docs] def draw_text(self, text): """ Draw text into splash screen. """ if text: self.showMessage(text, Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignLeft)
[docs] def failed(self, text): """ Something has gone wrong during start-up, so signal this, display a helpful message along with instructions for what to do. """ self.animation.stop() pixmap = load_pixmap("splash_fail.png") self.setPixmap(pixmap) lines = text.split("\n") lines.append( "This screen will close in a few seconds. " "Then a crash report tool will open in your browser." ) lines = lines[-12:] self.draw_text("\n".join(lines))
[docs]class StartupWorker(QObject): """ A worker class for running blocking tasks on a separate thread during application start-up. The animated splash screen will be shown until this thread is finished. """ finished = pyqtSignal() # emitted when successfully finished. failed = pyqtSignal(str) # emitted if finished with an error. display_text = pyqtSignal(str) # emitted to update the splash text.
[docs] def run(self): """ Blocking and long running tasks for application startup should be called from here. """ try: venv.ensure_and_create(self.display_text) self.finished.emit() # Always called last. except Exception as ex: # Catch all exceptions just in case. # Report the failure, along with a summary to show the user. stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1] msg = "\n".join(traceback.format_list(stack)) msg += "\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() self.failed.emit(msg) # Sleep a while in the thread so the user sees something is wrong. time.sleep(7) self.finished.emit() # Re-raise for crash handler to kick in. raise ex finally: # Always clean up the startup splash/venv logging handlers. if vlogger.handlers: handler = vlogger.handlers[0] vlogger.removeHandler(handler)
[docs]def excepthook(*exc_args): """ Log exception and exit cleanly. """ logging.error("Unrecoverable error", exc_info=(exc_args)) if exc_args[0] != KeyboardInterrupt: try: log_file = base64.standard_b64encode(LOG_FILE.encode("utf-8")) error = base64.standard_b64encode( "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_args)).encode("utf-8") )[-1800:] p = platform.uname() params = { "v": __version__, # version "l": str(i18n.language_code), # locale "p": base64.standard_b64encode( " ".join( [p.system, p.release, p.version, p.machine] ).encode("utf-8") ), # platform "f": log_file, # location of log file "e": error, # error message } args = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)"" + args) except Exception as e: # The Alamo of crash handling. logging.error("Failed to report crash", exc_info=e) sys.__excepthook__(*exc_args) sys.exit(1) else: # It's harmless, don't sound the alarm. sys.exit(0)
[docs]def setup_logging(): """ Configure logging. """ if not os.path.exists(LOG_DIR): os.makedirs(LOG_DIR) # set logging format log_fmt = ( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s:%(lineno)d(%(funcName)s) " "%(levelname)s: %(message)s" ) formatter = logging.Formatter(log_fmt) # define log handlers such as for rotating log files handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( LOG_FILE, when="midnight", backupCount=5, delay=0, encoding=ENCODING ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # set up primary log log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.addHandler(handler) # Only enable on-screen logging if the MU_LOG_TO_STDOUT env variable is set if "MU_LOG_TO_STDOUT" in os.environ: stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stdout_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.addHandler(stdout_handler) else: sys.excepthook = excepthook
[docs]def setup_modes(editor, view): """ Create a simple dictionary to hold instances of the available modes. *PREMATURE OPTIMIZATION ALERT* This may become more complex in future so splitting things out here to contain the mess. ;-) """ return { "python": PythonMode(editor, view), "snek": SnekMode(editor, view), "circuitpython": CircuitPythonMode(editor, view), "microbit": MicrobitMode(editor, view), "esp": ESPMode(editor, view), "web": WebMode(editor, view), "pyboard": PyboardMode(editor, view), "debugger": DebugMode(editor, view), "pygamezero": PyGameZeroMode(editor, view), "lego": LegoMode(editor, view), "pico": PicoMode(editor, view), }
[docs]def is_linux_wayland(): """ Checks environmental variables to try to determine if Mu is running on wayland. """ if platform.system() == "Linux": for env_var in ("XDG_SESSION_TYPE", "WAYLAND_DISPLAY"): if "wayland" in os.environ.get(env_var, "").lower(): return True return False
[docs]def run(): """ Creates all the top-level assets for the application, sets things up and then runs the application. Specific tasks include: - set up logging - create an application object - create an editor window and status bar - display a splash screen while starting - close the splash screen after startup timer ends """ setup_logging()"\n\n-----------------\n\nStarting Mu {}".format(__version__))"Platform: {}".format(platform.platform()))"Python path: {}".format(sys.path))"Language code: {}".format(i18n.language_code)) # # Load settings from known locations and register them for # autosave # settings.init() # Images (such as toolbar icons) aren't scaled nicely on retina/4k displays # unless this flag is set os.environ["QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR"] = "1" if hasattr(Qt, "AA_EnableHighDpiScaling"): QApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) QApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) # An issue in PyQt5 v5.13.2 to v5.15.1 makes PyQt5 application # hang on Mac OS 11 (Big Sur) # Setting this environment variable fixes the problem. # See issue #1147 for more information os.environ["QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER"] = "1" # In Wayland for AppImage to launch it needs QT_QPA_PLATFORM set # But only touch it if unset, useful for CI to configure it to "offscreen" if is_linux_wayland(): if "QT_QPA_PLATFORM" not in os.environ:"Wayland detected, setting QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland") os.environ["QT_QPA_PLATFORM"] = "wayland" else: "Wayland detected, QT_QPA_PLATFORM already set to: {}".format( os.environ["QT_QPA_PLATFORM"] ) ) # The app object is the application running on your computer. app = QApplication(sys.argv) # By default PyQt uses the script name ( app.setApplicationName("mu") # Set hint as to the .desktop files name app.setDesktopFileName("mu.codewith.editor") app.setApplicationVersion(__version__) app.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DontShowIconsInMenus) def splash_context(): """ Function context (to ensure garbage collection) for displaying the splash screen. """ # Display a friendly "splash" icon. splash = AnimatedSplash(load_movie("splash_screen")) # Create a blocking thread upon which to run the StartupWorker and which # will process the events for animating the splash screen. initLoop = QEventLoop() thread = QThread() worker = StartupWorker() worker.moveToThread(thread) thread.started.connect( worker.finished.connect(thread.quit) worker.finished.connect(worker.deleteLater) worker.display_text.connect(splash.draw_log) worker.failed.connect(splash.failed) # Stop the blocking event loop when the thread is finished. thread.finished.connect(initLoop.quit) thread.finished.connect(thread.deleteLater) thread.start() initLoop.exec() # start processing the pending StartupWorker. splash.close() splash.deleteLater() splash_context() # Create the "window" we'll be looking at. editor_window = Window() @editor_window.load_theme.connect def load_theme(theme): if theme == "contrast": app.setStyleSheet(CONTRAST_STYLE) elif theme == "night": app.setStyleSheet(NIGHT_STYLE) else: app.setStyleSheet(DAY_STYLE) # Make sure all windows have the Mu icon as a fallback app.setWindowIcon(load_icon(editor_window.icon)) # Create the "editor" that'll control the "window". editor = Editor(view=editor_window) editor.setup(setup_modes(editor, editor_window)) # Setup the window. editor_window.closeEvent = editor.quit editor_window.setup(editor.debug_toggle_breakpoint, editor.theme) # Connect the various UI elements in the window to the editor. editor_window.connect_tab_rename(editor.rename_tab, "Ctrl+Shift+S") editor_window.connect_find_replace(editor.find_replace, "Ctrl+F") # Connect find again both forward and backward ('Shift+F3') find_again_handlers = (editor.find_again, editor.find_again_backward) editor_window.connect_find_again(find_again_handlers, "F3") editor_window.connect_toggle_comments(editor.toggle_comments, "Ctrl+K") editor.connect_to_status_bar(editor_window.status_bar) # Restore the previous session along with files passed by the os editor.restore_session(sys.argv[1:]) # Stop the program after the application finishes executing. sys.exit(app.exec_())